Friday, May 8, 2009


Long ago before the Ancient Ones, the land stood still under a heavy blanket of snow several miles thick. As the climate gradually warmed, the giant freeze began to melt: for a thousand years great rivers flowed, eroding, forming and rearranging the earth's landscape.

Gradually, a summer began to take place. Trees from warmer climates began to edge northward. The first were spruce, fir, birch and the great oak.

Game such as caribou, bison, mastodon, elk, giant beaver and the wooly mammoth were the first explopers of this new land. They were soon followed by the giant game hunters. Later, nomads in search of food first came to this area as seasonal hunters, retreating southward as the harsh winters came.

The climate became warmer. This warming, along with the use of fire and animal skins for protection encouraged these first people to stay and eventually settle this land.

These people believed that the spirits controlled their destiny. A displeased spirit could cause drought, thunder and even death. When pleased, these spirits could bring sun, rain and bounties of food and game. Soon man came to believe he must honor, respect and pay homage to the power of these spirit gods, for they, not man, controlled destiny.


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