Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Formerly shunned Wampanoags lose council electionWednesday, February 17, 2010

Two formerly shunned members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts lost their bid for seats on the tribal council but one said she will try again next year.

Stephanie Tobey-Roderick and Michelle Fernandes didn't receive enough votes to claim four open seats on the council. Three incumbents and one newcomer were elected.

Tobey-Roderick and Fernandes were shunned for filing a lawsuit in state court that sought more information the tribe's finances. It turns out the tribe's former chairman was involved in illegal activities and pleaded guilty for his crimes.

EDITORIAL FOOTNOTE: It is pretty bad when tribal members have to allegedly take the tribe to court to find out tribal finances. Could this be the case at the Mohegan Tribal government also? How much do the Mohegan Tribal Councilors and the Council of Elders spend yearly on their credit cards? Does anyone know? Have tribal members tried to find out to no avail? Should the Mohegan Tribe know this information? What do you think?

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