Monday, June 8, 2009


Norwich Recalls Day It Sealed The Deal
Rose City launches 350th anniversary celebration

By Claire Bessette Published on 6/7/2009

Norwich - The conversation might not have been much different in 1659 on the grounds now known as Chelsea Parade.

”Have you seen the Mohegan?” Norwich Alderman Jonathan Jacaruso said, adjusting the white collar on what passed for Puritan New England era attire. “Are we outnumbered?”

”Yes, we're outnumbered,” similarly dressed Alderman Robert Zarnetske said flatly.

”We were outnumbered back then too,” Ron Ward, dressed in what could have been wealthier apparel for the time to represent his direct descendant, Major John Mason, a Norwich founding father.

On June 6, 1659, a company of English settlers moved to settle the rugged landscape where two smaller rivers joined the deep, wide tidal river. There, they met a band of Mohegan Indians led by Sachem Uncas to sign a deed conveying “nine miles square” - 81 square miles of land - in the heart of the Mohegan territory to the new settlers.

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