Friday, February 27, 2009


On Wednesday February 25, 2009, the voters of Preston, Connecticut, voted to purchase the Norwich State Hospital Propriety (estimated 390 acres) for one dollar ($1.00). The vote was 608 in favor and 564 against the purchase. The purchase was approved.

Along comes the twists. Governor M. Jodi Rell, said that Preston must purchase it's own liability insurance and the state would reimburse Preston. The reason is the state can't provide insurance on something it does not own. The state will still pay for security, maintaince, and insurance for one (1) year. The liability insurance is estimated to cost about $60,000.00.

According to the D E P (Department of Environmental Protection) the second thing that Preston has to have in place is a current Phase 1 environmental study. Under federal law, the Phase 1 study can't be older than 6 months old at the time of closing. The last Phase 1 study was done in 2001. The study is necessary for Preston to get possible state and federal grants.

Rohert Congdon, First Selectman said, "It is a big, complex transaction and this is not unique even when you're buying a single-family home, to be down to the wire getting ready for a closing, to have closing issues come up that need to be resolved. And out of all the approvals and paperwork that needs to be done, I don't think that this is extraordinary."

Congdon said he would find out from the D E P if the town needs to get a new environmental study or could update the existing one.

It will be interesting to see what happens within the next few weeks. Should Preston pursue this project? Is the voters decision the right one? What do you think?

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